Wunee Neekônâuqun wâmônak neetôp Noam (Happy Birthday my dear friend Noam).
All with whom You have shared time and space have been blessed by Your goodness. Creator sends each of us to this Earth to live, learn, and return the knowledge we gain from these, back to our place of Creation. In this work, we serve and learn to respect and Love one another. We each have the privilege of free choice in this matter to accept the work or not. As is evident in your example of living, you have kept this responsibility and We have all been the receivers of the gifts that have come from your work. You will return to your place of Creation with knowledge that will expand and enrich Creation itself. The blessings you have given All here as a result are immeasurable. The Wôpanâak (Wampanaog People) and Wôpanâôt8âôk (Wampanoag Language) thank You. i thank You.
Wâmee Quhtayânut8ôk kah Muhshânut8ôk neetôp (All Honor and Dignity my friend).
jessie quneeqâees baird